Family database Juling
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There are 20 individuals named STEIN in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
For hints and question concerning the data please and if there's something wrong with the database technique or you have an idea how to make it better, please contact Herbert Juling (
sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth
STEIN, Bernard * in Rheine, + in
STEIN, Gerhard * in , + in
STEIN, Thias (# 8284 ) * in , + 06.05.1626 in Wallwitz
STEIN, Wessel * in Rheine, + in 1758 in Eschendorf
STEIN, Wessel * in , + in

STEIN, Hans (# 4142 ) * about 1600 in , + 26.04.1674 in Möckern

STEIN, Catharina * 01.08.1624 in Möckern, + in
STEIN, Maria * 30.07.1629 in Möckern, + 03.05.1630 in Möckern

STEIN, Matthias * 17.04.1631 in Möckern, + 18.07.1637 in Möckern
STEIN, Margarethe * 02.03.1634 in Möckern, + 23.07.1643 in Möckern
STEIN, Anna (# 2071 ) * 01.07.1636 in Möckern, + in
STEIN, Anna * 01.07.1636 in Möckern, + in

STEIN, Johannes * 26.01.1641 in Möckern, + in
STEIN, Margaretha * 14.03.1644 in Möckern, + in

STEIN, Haseke * 21.08.1670 in Rheine, + in
STEIN, Hermann * 21.02.1677 in Bentlage, + 24.04.1750 in Bentlage

STEIN, Johan Bernt * in 1709 in Rheine, + in

STEIN, Maria * in 1712 in , + in 1798 in Schleupe
STEIN, Bernard * in 1713 in Rheine, + in

STEIN, Marie Elisabeth * about 1810 in , + in
Last update: 10.07.2002
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